Supercentenarians: slower ageing
individuals or senile elderly?

Butler RN, Fossel M, Harman SM, Heward CB,
Olshansky SJ, Perls TT, Rothman DJ, Rothman SM,
Warner HR, West MD, Wright WE.
International Longevity Center-USA,
New York, New York, USA.
J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2002 Sep;57(9):B333-8


In spite of considerable hype to the contrary, there is no convincing evidence that currently existing so-called "antiaging" remedies promoted by a variety of companies and other organizations can slow aging or increase longevity in humans. Nevertheless, a variety of experiments with laboratory animals indicate that aging rates and life expectancy can be altered. Research going back to the 1930s has shown that caloric restriction (also called dietary restriction) extends life expectancy by 30-40% in experimental animals, presumably at least partially by delaying the occurrence of age-dependent diseases. Mutations that decrease production of insulin growth factor I in laboratory mammals, and those that decrease insulin-like signaling in nematodes and fruit flies, have increased life expectancy as well. Other general strategies that appear promising include interventions that reduce oxidative stress and/or increase resistance to stress; hormone and cell replacement therapies may also have value in dealing with specific age-related pathologies. This article reports the findings of a consensus workshop that discussed what is known about existing and future interventions to slow, stop, or reverse aging in animals, and how these might be applied to humans through future research.

Caloric restriction
Intermittent fasting
Antiaging medicine?
Antiaging treatments
Mitochondrial enzymes
Antagonistic pleiotropy
Caloric restriction mimetics
Cryonics/negligible senescence
Lifespan-extending interventions
CR/age-related oxidative damage

and further reading

Future Opioids
BLTC Research
Utopian Surgery?
The Abolitionist Project
The Hedonistic Imperative
The Reproductive Revolution
Critique of Huxley's Brave New World

The Good Drug Guide
The Good Drug Guide

The Responsible Parent's Guide
To Healthy Mood Boosters For All The Family