and further reading(pdf)
- 2009/antiaging drug trials
- 114+ : the recipe (?)
- Advanced Glycation Endproducts (AGEs)
- Aerobic fitness/biological aging
- Aging/oxidative stress
- Aging brains
- Aging/cure?
- Altruism/longevity
- Alzheimer's disease
- Andel-Schipper, Hendrikje van (1890-2005)
- Andel-Schipper, Hendrikje van: brain study
- Animals, nonhuman/longevity records
- Antagonistic pleiotropy
- Antiaging medicine?
- Antioxidants(?)
- Aubrey de Grey
- Julie Bertrand (1891-2007)
- Biogerontology
- Bolden, Elizabeth (1890-2006)
- Blueberry phenols
- Bmi1 gene/neuronal aging control
- Body Reengineering
- Business/antiaging medicine
- Jeanne Calment
C. elegans Caloric restriction Caloric restriction/2010 NS review Caloric Restriction/humans vs nonhumans Caloric restriction/intermittent fasting Caloric restriction/lean mice Caloric restriction mimetics Caloric restriction pitfalls Cancer/rejuvenescence Capovilla, Maria Esther de (1889-2006) Carnitine Carrots(?) Catalase/longevity Cell starvation/longevity Cellular aging Cetacean supercentenarians CETP VV gene Cleaner air
Coenzyme Q supplementation Coffee/anti-Alzheimer's Coffee-drinking/longevity Cosmeceuticals/skin aging CR/age-related oxidative damage CR/cardiovascular + cerebrovascular benefits
Cryonics Cryonics/negligible senescence Cuba vs USA Dancing? Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) Dietary restriction Deuterium Education/longevity Elaggic acid/skin Elastin/life expectancy Ending Aging (2007) Eukaryotes/conserved longevity pathways Exceptional Lifespans (pdf)Exercise vs caloric restriction Extracellular damage Extracellular glycation crosslinks FOXOs Free radicals Friendship Fruit flies/odours Genetically preprogrammed aging? Germline elimination Glucose/aging Growth hormone Gut flora/CR Healthier/happier? Hernandez, Cruz (1878(?)-2007) Hormesis Human growth hormone (hGH) IGF-1 signaling Insulin/IGF-like signalling/ CNS/ aging Immortal Youth? Immunogenetics Indy gene Inflammation Insulin/brain Intermittent fasting Klotho Gene Knauss, Sarah (1880-1999) Learning and longevity Li Chin Yuen (? - 1933) Lifespan-extending interventions Lipoic acid/longevity Lithium Longevitarians Longevity genes Love, happiness and longevity Malate-aspartate NADH shuttle/CR Male longevity Male supercentenarian records Maria de Jesus (1893-2009) MCAT longevity gene Meilleur, Marie-Louise (1880-1998) Melatonin? Melatonin supplementation Mellowness vs neuroticism Membrane fatty acid composition/lifespan Mianserin Mice/aging Milk drinking Misfolded Proteins Mitochondria/aging Mitochondrial dysfunction Mitochondrial enzymes Monkeys/dieting mTOR/lifespan regulation Naked mole rats NAMPT/NAD/SIRT3/SIRT4 'Negligible senescence' Neprilysin NF-kB/SIRT6 Nicotinamide riboside (NR) Nootropics Nordihydroguaiaretic acid (NDGA) Occupational success/longevity Okinawa centenarians Oldest Old Oxidative stress P53/longer life
P66Shc protein Parker, Edna (1893-2008) Parkinson's disease: resources PEPCK-C PEPCK-C/long-lived "mighty mouse" Phenylbutyrate PHA-4 gene/longevity Rapmycin Rasagiline (Agilect) Red meat/premature death Red wine Resveratrol Resveratrol/dopamine Resveratrol/fish Resveratrol/heart Resveratrol/vertebrate lifespan Running S18986/aging brains Selegiline (l-deprenyl) Semi-supercentenarians SENS SENSE Sirtuins/nicotinamide-binding site Sperm quality Stress Sugar reduction? Supercentenarians Supercentenarian records Supercentenarian research TA-65/healthspan Telomerase Telomerase activation Testosterone levels Tillmann, Emma (1892-2007) Torro, Emeliano Mercado Del (1891-2007) Transgenic mice USA/mortality rates USA supercentenarians White tea Wine drinking/longevity Women vs men WWP-1 and UBC-18 Xenoenzymes Yoda Youngest old? Zinc supplementation/longevity Search
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